This is a background in jpg format, 300dpi and sized 12″x12″ Feel free to use this however you’d like, no commercial use license is needed To download: click image once, it will load full size, then right click and save to your computer.
These are pre-shadowed png files at 300dpi Feel free to use these however you’d like, no commercial use license is needed. Just click the preview once for full size, then right click and save to your computer. Be sure to hit your browser’s back button to come back and download all three elements.
This is a seamless tiling pattern in jpg format, 300dpi and sized 3600 pixels by 3600 pixels. Feel free to use this however you’d like, no commercial use license is needed. Click image below to load full size pattern and right click to save to your computer.
This is an overlay in transparent png format, 300dpi and sized 12″x12″ No commercial use license is needed…. To download: Click image once, it will load full size, then right click and save to your computer…
This is a set of fruit doodles in transparent png format and 300dpi Feel free to use this however you’d like, no commercial use license is needed. To download: Click image once, it will load full size, then right click and save to your computer…
Thank you! You are certainly a busy designer! That’s good for me because i have a fabulous stash of your gifts!
Thank you! You are certainly a busy designer! That’s good for me because i have a fabulous stash of your gifts!
Thank you.
This is great! Thank you! 🙂
Just perfect…as always ;).
Thank you…
I am getting an error on this when I click on it, saying that the image cannot be displayed because it has errors.
I just double checked it and it loads fine…maybe try opening in another browser?
I did that and it worked. Apparently there is a problem with Firefox. Thanks for responding!!!!! And thanks for the dl!!!!!!!
No prob 😉 Normally I use Chrome but I have firefox and explorer too in case something doesn’t work in Chrome, lol.