This is an alpha sheet on a transparent background in png format at 300dpi. Feel free to use this however you’d like, no commercial use license is needed. Download link below preview: Download HERE
This is a background in jpg format, 300dpi and sized 12″x12″ Feel free to use this however you’d like, no commercial use license is needed. To download: Click image once, it will load full size, then right click and save to your computer…
Today’s free texture is 12×12, 300dpi and in jpg format Feel free to use this however you’d like, no commercial use license is needed Do NOT host this on your own site (please link people back here to download), do not claim as your own, and do not sell this texture ‘as is’. Download instructions…
This is a jpg sized 8.5″ x 11″, 300dpi and in jpg format. Feel free to print this and make paper beads you sell (or any other physical product). You can not take this and sell it as a jpg/digital download on any online sites or stores. Info on making your own paper beads HERE and info on making…
These are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.